Q) What was your original purpose for starting a blog?
A) I started this blog in May 2011. I was getting serious about my business, Emmy the Pet Sitter, and I saw a blog as a subtle way to advertise. In the guise of informing or amusing people, I planned to mention my business. I also saw the blog as a way for current and potential customers to get to know me. Over the past nine months I’ve blogged on a wide variety of subjects. Because I don’t pet sit as often as I’d like to, I didn’t post many blogs about pet sitting.
Q) Is your current purpose the same? If not, what’s different? If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals?
A) It is said that to be a successful blogger, one must become an expert in one subject. I ought to address topics of interest to pet sitters or to people who need pet sitters. I think that my blog could start dialogs with sitters and owners. I’d like to learn from them and pass along tips. Ultimately, it’s all about everyone improving our services to pets.
Q) Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?
A) As the spirit moves me, and spirit is capricious. By using this method, I worry I won’t get new traffic.
Q) Are you generating income from your blog?
A) No. I like a clean web page with just my text and photos.
Q) What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular?
A) I can write about what I want to! I worked for a publisher for more than 30 years and wrote copy, but always something that someone else wanted. Now I can blog about my hamster, Maggie, racing in the Petco annual hamster races. My favorite blogs were those I wrote for BlogPaws participants coming to the 2011 BlogPaws social media conference in Tysons Corner, Virginia. I knew that what I was covering was useful. My post on dog-friendly dining has 146 page views, the highest number of my 33 posts.
Q) What do you like least?
A) The pressure to write. Brainstorming topics for seems like a lot of work—and I didn’t want my blog to be work! (Obviously, it’s work. And I need to work at it.) And . . . Hello! Who are you, reader? Do you read me? Am I helpful? Blog stats don't give me a feel for readers.
Q) How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2012?
A) Online, I see the “big picture” addressed: What should a pet owner look for in a pet sitter? Should a pet sitter be insured? But I haven’t seen basic, practical tips for making the pet sitting experience a success. For example, pet owners should prepare a packet for sitters in case their pet escapes when they're not home. Pet sitters should prepare for the jarring emotional reality if a pet under their care is injured.
The Bottom Line
I love combining my writing and photography into updates for pet owners: daily blogs, journals, or videos. My primary focus is there. And I'll try to focus my blog on the topic of pet sitting. Four paws up to Edie Jarolim and Amy Burkhert for the inspiration!!