Wednesday, March 2, 2016

• A Furry Little Miracle

While I was pet sitting Bettina, her heart condition flared.
The vet tented her with oxygen 
and gave a diuretic to flush fluid from her lungs.
I'm grateful Bettina
came home and will see her human mom tonight.
Bettina's condition is terminal. Paws crossed for many more days for her.


  1. Replies
    1. Aw, thank you. Bettina's heart condition won't go away, but I, too, want the most good days possible for this girl.

  2. She's so blessed to have you while her mom was away. You did good Emmy

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Bettina's mom thanked me again and again. As a pet sitter, it's not always easy to know what to do, but you use your best judgment and pray for the best.

  3. Bless you Emmy for taking care of Bettina while her mom was away...I am sure she was very worried! I really, really wish I had someone I could rely on here...but either my husband or I stay home with the girls...we have never left them!

    1. Bettina's mom thanked me profusely. Several years ago I started pet sitting for a couple who hadn't left their dogs for three years. I was referred to them by mutual friends with Samoyeds. Even though I was recommended and familiar with the breed, at the meet-and-greet I could tell they were nervous. The man asked me a, "What would you do if?" question. I didn't know! "I would call you," I said. He let out a big sigh of relief; I had passed a test. If you find someone you think might work, go away for one night. You will be nervous! I always am when I leave my hamster with my pet sitter—and she's a vet tech! Give it a try if you can. A reliable pet sitter can give you more freedom.

  4. That must have been awful for both of you. It's difficult enough when it's your own pet but a different thing altogether when you're pet sitting for somebody else. You did the right thing though and hopefully little Bettina has many more days to come as a result. I'll bet her mom was relieved to have such a great sitter!
