Wednesday, January 6, 2016

• Wordless Wednesday: Get Fit with Your Pet

It's Exercise with Your Pet Month, so get out there!
You won't see me, though. My pet is a hamster.


  1. Hey there Emmy - Harley and Jax are giving me plenty of exercise. Here in Doodleville it's more like "Get Fit with your Pet Parent LOL

    1. Harley and Jax will save you the cost of a gym membership!

  2. Ruby is not the most active dog in the world, but we are both trying to be more active.

    1. With a dog that likes a short walk—maybe overweight or elderly—I walk them a little farther each time, maybe only a few steps. I go slowly and give lots of encouragement. If a dog finds lots to sniff and has pals in the neighborhood, it enjoys the walk. PS: If I were pet sitting Ruby, I'd be singing the Kenny Rogers song all day long!

  3. It seems like you get plenty of exercise with other people's pets, Emmy! Cinco, Manna, and I really should start an exercise program together. I could use it!

    1. The most exercise I got was during a month in Santa Fe with two large dogs who walked an hour in the wilderness every morning. I was dying during the first walk. By the end of the month I covered a mile or more every morning. I ate lost five pounds. Even though it was excruciating at first, I was so grateful I stretched myself. Good luck to you, Cinco, and Manna. I'll bet their enthusiasm will help you!!

  4. Put yours on the hamster wheel :) Don't worry, our Charlie will get some exercise for you in the hydro tank.

    1. LOL! Honey, my current hamster, spends more time on the wheel if I let her out in her ball or run free more in the early evening. I'd love to see pictures of the hydro tank.

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