It's easy to "Go Orange"—tie orange bows on your dog’s collar, or dedicate your MySpace page, Facebook status or blog to the ASPCA during the month. The ASPCA suggests simple ways to help animals in your community, such as assisting an elderly neighbor having trouble taking care of his or her pet. ASPCA for Kids includes fluffy-fuzzy pics and a section on real issues for older kids and teens (review to make sure it's appropriate for your child).
On the local level (I live in Northern Virginia), the Washington Humane Society suggests ways to prevent cruelty in the Nation's Capital.
Me? I'm headed to Goodwill to buy an orange T-shirt. And all month when I explain why I'm wearing a cheap, ugly shirt that is so not my color I'll sneak in a plug for the ASPCA. Easy! I draw the line, however at orange lipstick.